Snapshot of Course Curriculum

Navigate Through With No Problem

    1. Welcome from Dr. Nicole

    2. What To Expect

    3. How to use this course

    4. Before we begin....

    1. What We Will Cover in This Module

    2. Identify Your Barrier

    3. Let's Test Your Knowledge: What Do You Know About Fear?

    4. Fear & How to Combat It

    1. What We Will Cover In This Module

    2. Quiz: What do you know about boundaries?

    3. Personal Boundaries: Learn To Set limits - Say "No"

    4. Learn Your Personal Bill of Rights

    1. What We Will Cover In This Module

    2. Quiz: What's Self-Awareness?

    3. Quiz: Boundary Type

    4. Acknowledging Your Feelings & Self-Awareness

    5. Identify & Explore Your Boundary Type

    1. What We Will Cover in This Module

    2. Quiz: Assertive & Confident Communication

    3. The Confident Communicator

    4. Let's Review

    5. Quiz: Saying "No"

    6. Let's Practice Saying "No"

    7. Implementing Skills/Techniques Learned

    8. Quiz: Let's See What You've Learned

    9. Let's Wrap It Up- You Did It!

    10. Before you go...

About this course

  • $97.99
  • 27 lessons
  • 1 hour of video content

Things You Will Gain:

Do You Want To Learn How To Enhance Your Communication Skills? ? Do You Want A Short Course That Will Quickly Teach You Strategies Get Your Needs Met? If You’ve Answered Yes, Then You Definitely Want to Sign Up For This Course!

  • This course was developed by licensed mental health professional whose an expert in the field and has included effective strategies that have been tested and proven with over hundreds of individuals

  • You will learn your personal bill of rights and how to assertively communicate your needs

  • You will the gain confidence to say “no” without feeling guilty

  • You will learn how to communicate more effectively in four easy steps


Here What Others Are Saying About This Course

“I am a person who processes and needs to understand why things connect and this course was very helpful. The self-awareness module with the A.I.P. acronym, especially verbalizing your feelings out loud was powerful. I would definitely recommend this course because it was very helpful. ”

“The content was great. This was awesome! ”

“I would recommend this course. This is a great teaching tool”

Investment Cost

The pricing was designed to be cost effective and allow you to start learning new strategies for communication without having you break the bank